Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My Entire Life Education Was Emphasized Greatly, Whether

My entire life education was emphasized greatly, whether it be from parents, family friends, teachers, you name it. In the case of my parents the urgency came from immigrating to America from Albania; which was under a communist system at the time which had little opportunity for education. My father, born and raised in the old country, dropped out of school when he was just twelve years old and worked at home tending to crops and cattle. My mother was considered a â€Å"city† girl, although the merit to that title did not mean much other than simply living in the city. She and her parents worked in factories most of their lives and did not lead any better a life than my father did; at times when money was tight they resorted to stealing from†¦show more content†¦Towards the end of the year we started a book that I frequently re-read to this day, Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. The book follows the Buddha in his adolescence and is a classical coming of age story. Everyone in the class fervently hated the book and for whatever reason I didn’t; I didn’t exactly know why I liked it but nevertheless I did. Once we finished the book our teacher said something that stuck with me: â€Å"One day you kids will come to appreciate this book.† That summer I went into a mild depression because, well, I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life. Was I going to go to college because that’s just what you do? I used to play pick-up basketball on a court next to a library to pass the time and not think, because that would sadden me. One afternoon I went into the library to fill up a jug with tap-water, and to my surprise the library was having a sale on some of the books. The very first book I saw was Siddhartha, it was on sale for $3 and I bought it without thinking twice. When I got home that night I started reading and didn’t put the book down until I was done, and when I was done I took to the internet. I read revie ws, analysis’, discussions and watch videos. The more I understood the book the more I understood why I liked it so much, the book was an allegory for what I had been going through the last year of my life. It was the greatest feeling to know that I wasn’t the onlyShow MoreRelatedImportant And Controversial Issues Of The World2026 Words   |  9 Pagesand every year. The term Black Friday is used in the U.S. to describe the day after Thanksgiving, noted as the official first day of Christmas shopping, offering deals to swarms of consumers. The first step Christmas took on Thanksgiving territory was Black Friday, which took place the Friday after Thanksgiving, as the name Black Friday implies. This day is a day for extreme deals in which extreme shoppers partake in at eccentric times like midnight of Thanksgiving, which is all good fun. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Media s Influence On American Culture - 1256 Words

Media includes broadcasting mediums such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet. The Business Dictionary defines media as, â€Å"communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated† (â€Å"Media.†). With the right instruments, media has had a very sizable impact on American society and culture. Media has grown immensely popular and has remarkably gained influence that it’s altered the way we judge each other. American culture has exposed young children to many varieties of media; they watch TV more than once a day, some have smartphones to search the web, a few are even on Facebook; media’s become a vast component of American culture. Unfortunately, media exposes youngsters to exaggerated stereotypes, which subconsciously changes the way they perceive their peers. The media’s inaccurate illustrations of racial and gender stereotypes ha ve done a very poor job in creating gender and race equality; they constructed the building blocks that produce repudiate feelings, which leads to discrimination. This underlying violence is a systemic violence, so as victims, we are incapable of comprehending the detrimental repercussions. American racism has evolved from this hidden violence; the media initiates the production of negative observations regarding different races through wrong representations of stereotypes.. Inaccurate stereotypes created in the media, have moldedShow MoreRelatedThe Media s Influence On American Culture By The Dominate Ideology Of White Middle Class Males875 Words   |  4 Pagesin American culture by the dominate ideology of white middle class males. Hegemonic ideology is promoted by online media outlets with femininity communicated as a way to serve the sexual desire of men (pp. 449). The pressure on women to look and behave certain ways is deeply imbedded in our everyday life. I will use two online media stories; the PBS online video, Merchants of Cool, and Yahoo Style as the basis of this essay. The PBS video, Merchants of Cool is about the merchant and media outletsRead MoreMass Media and Popular Culture1367 Words   |  6 PagesHow has mass media a created a relationship among popular culture, mass media and different forms of dissemination? Mass media is any form of communication used to reach a large group of people. There are different types of media; examples of media are magazines, movies, television, books, recording devices, radio and the internet. As time goes on, new and improved technology is developed in the mass media industry for communicating and entertainment purposes. As mass media continues to grow andRead MoreInfuence of Entertainment Essay961 Words   |  4 PagesInfluence of Entertainment Media Latishia Weldon HUM/186 March 4, 2013 Brandale Mills Influence of Entertainment Media America’s have shaped our culture though entertainment for media proposes for years. Entertainment media is how Americans attract the way of life. The social influences relay on the media entertainment for positive and negative images to help transform the minds of people. The culture of Americans have always been through television, computers, and entertainment. The valuesRead MoreInfluence of Entertainment Media969 Words   |  4 PagesInfluence of Entertainment Media Latishia Weldon HUM/186 March 4, 2013 Brandale Mills Influence of Entertainment Media America’s have shaped our culture though entertainment for media proposes for years. Entertainment media is how Americans attract the way of life. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Rapid Regeneration of Chelated Iron Desulfurization Solution Free Essays

Effect of rotation speed of electrode on the regeneration rate Figure 3 illustrates the effect of rotation speed of 138 Figure 2 Experimental process flow diagram I?power supply; 2?motor; 3?quid distributor; 4?cathode; 5?ceramic membrane; 6?gas distributor; 7?anode; 8?air steel container; 9?regenerated solution tank; 10?original decentralization solution tank; 11?pump is too high, the contact time between the collated iron elution and electrode is shortened, and the electrochemical oxidation reactions will be not complete, so the regeneration rate decreases slightly. Moreover, it is well known that higher rotating speed will cause in industrial applications. In this experiment, the regeneration rate can reach a maximum value of 84. We will write a custom essay sample on Rapid Regeneration of Chelated Iron Desulfurization Solution or any similar topic only for you Order Now 9% when rotation speed of electrode is equal to 180 rain-l, which is about 1. 6 times that achieves in the static electrode environment. The experiments demonstrate that the rotating electrode has significant advantages in improving the regeneration rate. Figure 3 Effect of rotation speed of electrode on the regeneration rate electrode on the regeneration rate at a voltage of 4 V, an inlet air flow rate of 2 MPH-1 and an inlet liquid flow rate of 80 Lo-l . A higher rotating speed of electrode is favorable to increase the regeneration rate, resulting in higher regeneration efficiency. At lower rotating speed, the air bubbles in solution and the bubbles created during electrochemical reactions can adhere easily to the electrode surface and reduce the electrode activity area, which will decrease the electrochemical oxidation efficiency. With an increasing rotating speed, the bubbles can be timely detached from the electrode surface, and the thickness of diffusion layer decreases and the concentration difference can be eliminated rapidly. The increase of current density enhances the electrochemical regeneration effect. At the same time, the gas-liquid mixing degree and turbulence intensity will be enhanced to favor the mass transfer at a higher rotating speed, which can lead to the quick supplement of the dissolved oxygen consumed in the regeneration process. Thus, the regeneration rate increases with increasing rotating speed. However, when the rotating speed of electrode 3. 2 Effect of voltage on the regeneration rate Figure 4 shows the influence of voltage on the regeneration rate at a rotation speed of electrode of 180 rain-l, an inlet air flow rate of 2 MPH-1 and an inlet liquid flow rate of 80 Lo-l . The regeneration rate increases as voltage increases due to that the current density increases rapidly at the initial stage with the increase of voltage, resulting in an increased electrochemical reaction driving force. The increase of voltage is favorable to the regeneration rate in both of he rotating electrode and the static electrode environments. But the regeneration rate in the rotating electrode environment is higher than that in the static electrode environment at the same voltage due to that the rotating electrode can provide a great and rapid renewed surface of the electrode to strengthen the electrochemical oxidation process. When the voltage regeneration rate increases slowly probably due to that the current density and the electrochemical reaction driving force increases slowly. Moreover, too high voltage easily leads to higher energy consumption and more side reactions. Thus, an appropriate voltage of 4 V is selected and the regeneration rate is 84. 8%. The new electrochemical reactor can be considered as the 139 strengthens the micro-mixing efficiency of the air and solution, resulting in excellent mixing and higher mass transfer rate. When inlet air flow rate increases to higher than 2 MPH-1, the regeneration rate increases slowly. The reason may be that the residence time of air becomes shorter in solution and the gas-liquid mass transfer efficiency decreases with a too large inlet air flow rate. Therefore, an inlet air flow rate of 2 MPH-1 s appropriate and the regeneration rate is 84. 8%. The experiments indicate that the rotating electrode has significant influence on improving the regeneration efficiency of air oxidation. Figure 4 Effect of voltage on the regeneration rate rotating electrode; A static electrode traditional tank-type reactor on condition that the voltage is O V in the static electrode environment. Under the optimum conditions, the regeneration rate of the new electrochemical reactor is increased from 45. 3% to 84. 8% compared with the traditional tank-type reactor. The experiments indicate that the rotating electrode can dramatically improve the efficiency of electrochemical oxidation. 3. 3 Effect of inlet air flow rate on the regeneration rate Figure 5 shows the effect of inlet air flow rate on the regeneration rate at a rotation speed of electrode of 180 rain-l, a voltage of 4 V and an inlet liquid flow rate of 80 Lo-l . With increasing inlet air flow rate, the regeneration rate first increases rapidly and then changes slightly both in the rotating electrode and static electrode environments due to that the dissolved the rotating electrode environment, the regeneration rate is always higher than that achieved in the static electrode environment because the rotating electrode Figure 5 Effect of inlet air flow rate on the regeneration rate rotating electrode; A static electrode 3. Effect of inlet liquid flow rate on the regeneration rate Figure 6 illustrates the effect of inlet liquid flow rate on the regeneration rate at a rotation speed of electrode of 180 rain-l, a voltage of 4 V and an inlet air flow rate of 2 MPH-1. The regeneration rate first decreases slowly and then decreases rapidly with the increase of the inlet liquid flow rate in the rotating electrode environment, which shows the same trend as he case of the static electrode environment. The smaller the inlet liquid flow rate is, the longer the residence time of liquid in the electrochemical reactor will be. Long residence time can benefit the regeneration of the collated iron decentralization solution because the gas-liquid contract time and the electrolysis time are one of the most important influence factors of the regeneration process. When inlet liquid flow rate is less than 80 Oh-I, the regeneration rate remains at over 84. 6%. When inlet liquid flow rate continues to increase to higher than 80 Lo-l , the residence time of quid in the electrochemical reactor becomes shorter gradually, resulting in rapid decrease in the regeneration rate. Under the condition that the treatment capacity is bigger and the regeneration rate is higher, an optimum inlet liquid flow rate of 80 Lo-l is selected and the regeneration rate reaches 84. 6%, which is about 1. 6 times that in the static electrode environment. The Figure 6 Effect of inlet liquid flow rate on the regeneration rate rotating electrode; A static electrode 140 experiments demonstrate that the rotating electrode has significant advantages in increasing the treatment opacity of regeneration process. A new type of electrochemical reactor with rotating cylindrical electrodes exhibits better regeneration performance for the collated iron decentralization solution than the traditional tank-type reactor due to its good electrochemical oxidation property and gas-liquid mass transfer performance. The novel electrochemical reactor can not only provide a great and rapid renewed surface to accelerate the regeneration process of electrochemical oxidation, but also provide an excellent gas-liquid mixing environment to strengthen the regeneration recess of air oxidation, overcoming the poor mass transfer effect and the low oxidation regeneration efficiency in the traditional tank-type reactor. Under the optimum conditions, the regeneration rate of collated iron decentralization solution is increased from 45. 3% to 84. 8%. How to cite Rapid Regeneration of Chelated Iron Desulfurization Solution, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

System Integration Enterprise Resource Planning

Question: Discuss about the System Integration for Enterprise Resource Planning. Answer: Introduction Enterprise Resource Planning is one of the most effective integrated information systems that can easily manage a set of information system at a time and this aspect increases the efficiency of the information system with respect to organizational demands. This report is explaining about the system integration procedure involved in an organization. In consideration with the fact System Integration, this report is explaining about the system integration overview and about the challenges involved in this implementation. In addition to this, various benefits are also being explained in this report. All of these aspects are being elaborated with respect to a real life case study about UPS. System Integration Overview Developed business industries are growing up and getting improvised with the help of advanced information system. In the contemporary time, according to the need for information system involves a number of information systems within single system architecture. This issue is becoming a great problem within the technical industry (Qin et al. 2014). The system integration is mainly defined as the integrating element for utilizing variety of techniques (Computer Networking, business process management, manual programming and enterprise resource planning etc.). Steps Involved in Implementation of ERP ERP implementation requires ten stages to be implemented: Identification of problem, definition of scope of team, evaluation of the system, Migration of data, Check on infrastructure, Customization, change of management, Technological knowledge, project management and testing, final output measurement. Role of Management and ERP on System Integration Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is one of the most effective integrative system architecture that involves all the single information system working behind any system architecture (McWilliams et al. 2013). System Integration (SI) involves all the existing information system that is working and present a new information system. System Integration adds value to the system and increases the functionality of the entire system architecture. Therefore, the management of any specific organization has to participate for managing this application of system integration (Wegertseder et al. 2016). Management should take part to involve change management within the organization that will influence the employees. System Integration Challenges at UPS Difficult Modification: The modification process in integrating process of a set of existing information system decreases the chances of modification of the new information system that in terms reduces the system sustainability (Hossain et al. 2012). Inefficiency: There are a lot of association done based on the local communication medium within system integration that dont provides accurate information about the situation or about the issues. In contrast with this fact integration of such desperate information system reduces the efficiency. Cost Effectiveness: Desperate information system involves so many problematic situations within it that must be reduced in order to get appropriate results. These problem resolution increases the cost of the system integration (Shen et al. 2012). Partial Inoperability: Data structures of each information system are not same. Therefore, the combined system has less operability compared to the previous system architecture. Typical Challenges faced by UPS during System Integration Project There are mainly two specific challenges that UPS faced during the system integration process of the within their operations. Shipping Errors: UPS identified the shipping errors during the operations. The wrong addresses were being loaded into the box this transferred to a wrong location during the shipping (Wood 2011). Due to this mistake or automotive stage the system efficiency was reduced. The business driver affected for this issue. Mess within System Integration Process: The manual data entry involved into the system process required manual data entry but it was not going like that. All of the important data were being loaded automatically (Wood 2011). The significant system required redundant amount of data to be loaded into the system. System Integration Benefits at UPS Single Work Station: Integration of various system architectures involves difficult operations of work stations (Wood 2011). In contrast with this fact, the integration of system architectures involves single work stations that help to operate all the servers as well as other operations. Energy Saving: Different work stations and servers involves lot of energy within the system architecture. Therefore, the system architecture requires good amount of energy supply (Wood 2011). With the help of system integration process (Information system) it is possible to control the energy usages as well as system operability. Lowering of Labor Costs and Improvised Operations: Management of different platforms and work stations at a time requires huge amount of staffs that increases the workforce cost. This can be lowered with the help of integration of system architecture within any organization. Improvisation of response timing: Integration of the system reduces the response timing of system architecture. In terms this reduces the chances of errors within the system and operations (Wood 2011). Best Practices in UPS during System Integration Process Focus on Customers: UPS provide their important focus on their customer needs and demands. They offered new services and products to their valuable customers. Centralization of Data: UPS had chosen all the data to be centralized within their system integration process that introduces two new data centers for their operations (Wood 2011). Platform setting: Data platforms identified for this purpose were totally based on the IT platforms within their operating fields. Customer Benefits from UPS System Integration Process Accessibility of web-sites: This was the main benefit from the customer point of view resulted from the system integration of UPS (Wood 2011). The system integration translate the service to a better one that make the shipping of packages easy and easy tracking of services were introduced. The web-sites of UPS were easily accessible for the users. Conclusion This report has discussed the system integration process for the betterment of the technical development of any organization. In addition to this, the benefits and challenges of system integration process with a real life case study (UPS Case Study) has been described in this report. All of these have introduced a smart process of maintaining the different information system within single system architecture. System Integration Challenges are also elaborated in this report in order to highlight the negative sides of this technical aspect. References Bernardo, M., Casadesus, M., Karapetrovic, S. and Heras, I., 2012. Do integration difficulties influence management system integration levels?.Journal of Cleaner Production,21(1), pp.23-33. Hossain, M.J., Saha, T.K., Mithulananthan, N. and Pota, H.R., 2012. Robust control strategy for PV system integration in distribution systems.Applied Energy,99, pp.355-362. McWilliams, J.M., Chernew, M.E., Zaslavsky, A.M., Hamed, P. and Landon, B.E., 2013. Deliv Passalent, L.A., Kennedy, C., Warmington, K., Soever, L.J., Lundon, K., Shupak, R., Lineker, S. and Schneider, R., 2013. System Integration and Clinical Utilization of the Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care (ACPAC) ProgramTrained Extended Role Practitioners in Ontario: A Two-Year, System-Level Evaluation.Healthcare Policy,8(4), p.56. Qin, F., Zhan, X. and Zhan, L., 2014. Performance assessment of a low-cost inertial measurement unit based ultra-tight global navigation satellite system/inertial Shen, W., Hao, Q. and Xue, Y., 2012. A loosely coupled system integration approach for decision support in facility management and maintenance.Automation in Construction,25, pp.41-48. Wegertseder, P., Lund, P., Mikkola, J. and Alvarado, R.G., 2016. Combining solar resource mapping and Wood, D. 2011.UPS Case Study: Inside Out. [online] Available at: https://www.bptrends.com/publicationfiles/09-06-2011%20CS-UPS%20Case%20Study-Dawson%20Wood.pdf [Accessed 29 Dec. 2016].